The Story Behind the Magick Bean

Coffee has had a Magickal story from the beginning. A nan named Kaldi discovered his goats were dancing and energized after eating certain berries. They became known as the dancing goats! The goat herder was so excited by his Magick Bean that he shared them with a monk who disapproved of them and threw them into the fire. They crackled and created an amazing aroma. From there Kaldi ground them and added them to his water creating the first cup of coffee!

From this story we can fast-forward to now as people create memes and talk about how coffee can create Magick. Beyond the morning rituals around coffee, this Magick Bean is instilled in every community. commonly known as the coffee shop. The coffee shop, for some is the first stop in the morning, a welcoming community meeting spot, or a mid-day pick me up. Coffee is often the start to connection. Connection to our day, our friends, family, co-workers, or the start of new relationships.

This became apparent at the first coffee shop I worked. It was a small local store with cozy corners, common faces, and the welcoming buzz and whirl of the expresso machine. I got to know the regulars and began a connection that grew with every brew. Our connection grew deeper with every coffee passed across the bar. We laughed, cried, encouraged, joked and looked forward to seeing one another . Many of these connections from my very first story I continue to keep in touch.

This sense of community and connection is exactly what I strive to provide with The Magick Bean. Lasting relationships built on coffee, conversation, and love!